Enric Alvarez is co-founder of MercurySteam where he’s been serving as CEO and Games Director since 2002. As a CEO he is behind the studio strategy; As game writer/director, Enric is best known for the Castlevania Lords of Shadow saga. He also served as Executive Manager for both Metroid Samus Returns and Metroid Dread. Currently, Enric is writing/directing the next game from MercurySteam, code name: Project Iron.
“Are You Sure This Thing is Safe?” - Thoughts on Creativity, Teamwork, and Technology
Through these past few years, we have seen the high adoption of virtual work tools and the shared fascination with the new virtual world that unfolds before us. Through these technological evolutions, our industry also seemed to strongly embrace the virtualization/delocalization of development teams. Will this result in happier, more efficient, and creative teams as well as better games? In this talk, Enric Alvarez will explore his own studio's journey and leadership grappling with these very questions.