The ever-changing future of the PC and what it means for gaming
Every few years, a crop of headlines and editorials proclaim the death of the PC. Reports of the PC’s death have not only been greatly exaggerated – they’ve been flat out wrong. The PC gaming market continues to thrive and innovate, and the landscape is wider than ever. But where does it go next? This session will look at the evolving nature of the PC market, the wide variety of products that it comprehends, and the technologies emerging to shape it’s future. Attendees will gain insight into the breadth of products that make up the market, the evolving installed base, the hyper-segmentation trend within product landscape. We will also discuss pros and cons of different approaches developers can take when targeting the PC this market, and how these may change going forward.
Kim Pallister is the Chief Segment Architect for Gaming at Intel, where he leads gaming platform efforts for the Client Computing Group. Kim has been involved in development of graphics, gaming and immersive technologies for over 25 years. He has contributed to numerous books and industry publications, and is a frequent speaker at conferences. He is @kimpall on Twitter, and is generally a fan of anything that tickles retinas.